The Turtle Wins Not the Rabbit
“ A small daily task, if it be really daily, will beat the labours of a spasmodic Hercules.” Anthony Trollope
How We Really Make Meaningful Change
How often do we start off a new year with so many resolutions? We are going to exercise, eat healthy, lose weight, be a better - you fill in the blank. Yet by February we feel like failures and give up. The key may be to make changes small and incremental. If we make one small change or addition to our routine and practice it until it is regular, it may stick. Then we can move to the next adjustment.
This way we benefit by starting a positive process to self improvement. The other benefit is we set ourself up to succeed. When we succeed with the small incremental steps, we are more likely to keep going.
What You Can Try
Think of some behavior or habit you want to change.
Break it down into several steps
Write down the steps
Now assign a date to start step one
Then assign a date about 17-21 days later to add step two while continuing the step one change
Proceed similarly with the next steps
And if you slip, do not beat yourself up rather, show yourself some grace and get back on track. Change is circular not linear. We move back and forth sometimes, but keep going.